Ring the Tasmanian Quitline on 13 QUIT (13 7848) so they can talk to a local professional counsellor who can provide support and advice about quitting. If the young person is reluctant to make the first call you can ring and speak with the counsellor first and then introduce the young person.
Quitline counsellors can also provide support and advice for vaping cessation.
Order a free Quit Pack from the Tasmanian Quitline by texting the word “SMOKEFREE” along with their name and address to 0447 987 230. This will provide them with written self-help information.
Refer them to the Tasmanian Quitline online or download a Fax Referral Form from the same link and fax to 03 6169 1941.
The Link Youth Health Service offers a program named Youth Health Fund which may be able to help fund one-off health services and/or health items to young people who cannot afford it themselves.
Download the My QuitBuddy app for free from the App store, Google Play or the Windows Phone Store. This is an interactive app that provides quit tips, daily motivational messages and reminders. The user records their goals in pictures, words or audio messages and the panic button when craving provides a range of distractions.
If a young person is pregnant you can suggest the Quit for You Quit for Two app as well.